July 2 - August 28, 2021

Agents of Change


Agents  of  change  in  social  sciences  are  defined  as  individuals  who  promote  and enable change to happen within a group or organization. Some natural and artificial agents  that  contribute  to  climate  change and to local or global, pervasive phenomena can  be  identified  with  the  same  phrase. People working with a bottom-up approach to  encourage  systemic  change  through actionable,  tangible  improvements  to these polluting situations are also agents of change. This exhibition attempts to identify and display a number of manifestations of apparently insignificant elements, actions, factors,  and  individuals  that  have  led  or could lead to exponentially greater effects. The artworks can then tackle social issues, environmental  challenges,  or  even  very personal inner realities.

LMNO itself is a relatively smaller gallery, but  potentially  an  incredible  force  for change thanks to the people who populate it.  All  the  featured  artists  manifest  the concept of change, are pushed by these motivations or are preoccupied with these issues, revealing them through a variety of interpretations.

Language and its potentiality are the motors for  societal  development  in  the  artworks Agents of Changeof VOID  and  Detanico/Lain.  Denicolai  &  Provoost  and  Rémy  Hans  deconstruct urban landscapes displaying their implied and  explicit  structures.  Molecules  whirl freely  causing  unknown  effects  and  the smallest beings thrive and recover damaged ecosystems  under  the  attention  of Pep Vidal  and  Maria  Friberg. Nicolas Floc'h and Adrien  Lucca operate with complex and  sometimes  minuscule  variations  that condensate in a plethora of different hues and  intensities  of  color.  Miguel  Sbastidaand Aïda Kazarian reveal to us their private and  deep  connection  with  the  cosmos through pondered gestures. Marcos Avila Forero  and  Cristina  Garrido  operate  on an  international  scale  to  connect  modest agents and legitimize them in the face of arbitrary structures of power. Yoann  Van  Parys  and  Pierre  Gerard favor a diverse multiplicity  of  voices  and  perspectives, employing a fecund eccentricity.